American Bureau of Shipping publishes Requirements for Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage

The American Bureau of Shipping has published the Requirements for Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage.

These requirements have been published on the American Bureau of Shipping's website on December 15th, 2022.

This document establishes the ABS requirements for the use of Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage (OCCS), focusing on wet scrubbing post-combustion technologies.

The requirements also include an optional Ready notation for vessels based on their level of preparation, or readiness, for future OCCS installations.

Download the ABS Requirements for Onboard Carbon Capture here.

Previous ABS sustainability whitepapers including the ABS Whitepaper Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage and the ABS Insights into Onboard Carbon Capture can be found here.

If you need more information, please visit the ABS Rules and Guides page, where the documents are available FOR FREE.