EU RO MR revises the Framework Document for the Mutual Recognition of Type Approval

EU RO MR Group on 5 May 2023 published the revised EU RO Framework Document for the Mutual Recognition of Type Approval.

The purpose of these technical requirements is to establish a standardized set of requirements applicable to manufacturers of marine equipment or components seeking Mutual Recognition Type Approval by the European Union-recognized classification societies (referred to as EU ROs) under EU regulations.

This document aims to ensure consistency throughout the EU RO Mutual Recognition Type Approval process.

The EU RO MR Type Approval Process comprises three key stages:

  1. EU RO MR Design Evaluation: This involves engineering evaluation and witnessing of manufacturing and testing processes.
  2. EU RO MR Production Quality Assurance (PQA): Its objective is to ensure that production aligns with the approved design and manufacturing process.
  3. EU RO MR Maintenance Process: This process ensures that any changes to EU RO MR Documentation undergo the necessary review and approval process, with industry consultation as needed.

This document supersedes the referenced documents and appendices within the 'Mutual Recognition within ship classification' First Report to the European Commission and the Member States, October 2012, specifically:

  • 12.2 EU Recognised Organisations (EU ROs)
  • 12.5 EU RO Mutual Recognition for Type Approval Terms and Conditions
  • 12.6 EU RO Mutual Recognition Procedure for Type Approval (including appendices).

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

EU RO Framework Document for the Mutual Recognition of Type Approval (Version 16.0)