IACS issues a new Recommendation

The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) has issued a new Recommendation Rec 170 New. The document provides recommendations on the term of "heavy load carrier" for the consideration to the application of EEDI/EEXI and CII, associated with the definition in Regulation 2.2.15 of MARPOL Annex VI.

The Recommendation lists the following as eligible to be considered as "heavy load carrier": (Heavy Load) Deck Carriers, Semi-submersible Project Cargo Carriers and Semi-submersible (Heavy load) Deck Carriers, including dock lift ships.

Additionally, Heavy Lift Multi-Purpose ships, Premium Project carriers and Project Cargo Carriers may be considered as “heavy load carrier” subject to endorsement by the Flag Administration.


Rec 170 New The term of "heavy load carrier" for the application of EEDI/EEXI and CII