RINA amends Rules for the Classification of Floating Offshore Units at Fixed Locations and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units

Classification society RINA has issued the Amendments to Parts A and F of the "Rules for the Classification of Floating Offshore Units at Fixed Locations and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units": Alternative Regime Survey (ARS) additional class notation.

This document has been issued on December 20th, 2022, and these amendments will enter into force on January 1st, 2023.

Alternative Regime Survey (ARS) (1/1/2023)

The additional class notation ARS is assigned to Floating Offshore Units operating at a fixed location, having type B cargo tanks and that comply with the requirements given in Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 8 to allow an extended period between two consecutive internal inspections of each cargo tank.

The ARS notation may also be assigned to units having cargo tanks of types other than type B based on the Society's evaluation on a case-by-case basis.


Amendments to Parts A and F of the "Rules for the Classification of Floating Offshore Units at Fixed Locations and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units": Alternative Regime Survey (ARS) additional class notation