RINA amends the Rules for the Classification of Floating Offshore Units at Fixed Locations and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units

Classification society RINA extensively amended said rules as a part of their January amendment sequence.

The amending document states that the change to Part A, Table 5 was made in order "to introduce local and global acceptance criteria for jack-up leg foundation, leg and spud can". It further states that the changes to chapters 1, 4, 6, 7, 12 and 13 of Part B of the Rules are meant to introduce references to the applicable parts of the Rules for the Classification of Ships to remove duplicated requirements and facilitate their maintenance and alignment with IACS Unified Requirements. Majority of parts C and D is deleted, while the remaining sections are renumbered.

The amendments entered into force on the 1st of January 2022.


Amendments to the Rules for the Classification of Floating Offshore Units at Fixed Locations and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units