The International Maritime Organization has issued the circular amending the Guidance on the Survey and Certification of Compliance of Ships with the Requirement to Transmit LRIT Information.
This circular has been issued on November 28th, 2022.
The Maritime Safety Committee (the Committee), at its 106th session (2 to 11 November 2022), approved amendments to the Guidance on the survey and certification of compliance of ships with the requirement to transmit LRIT (Long-Range Identification and Tracking) information (MSC.1/Circ.1307) (the Guidance) prepared by the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue, at its ninth session (NCSR 9/24/Add.1, annex 5).
This circular incorporates the aforesaid amendments as well as additional editorial amendments and minor corrections.
The Guidance outlines a number of alternative options for documenting compliance of the shipborne equipment with the requirements of SOLAS regulations V/19-1.6 and V/19-1.7 and the related provisions of the revised Performance standards and functional requirements for the long-range identification and tracking of ships (revised Performance standards) adopted by resolution MSC.263(84), as amended, and sets out the approach to be taken when surveying and certifying the compliance of ships which are required to transmit LRIT information with the aforesaid obligation.

The Guidance should be read together with SOLAS regulation V/19-1 and the revised Performance standards.
SOLAS Contracting Governments are invited to bring the present circular and its annex to the attention of recognized organizations which they have authorized to act on their behalf and to provide to such recognized organizations any necessary further guidance and instruction so as to ensure that the objectives of this circular are achieved.
SOLAS Contracting Governments are also invited to bring the present circular and the salient parts of its annex to the attention of companies operating ships entitled to fly their flag which are required to transmit LRIT information and to provide to such companies any necessary further guidance and instruction so as to ensure that the objectives of this circular are achieved.
SOLAS Contracting Governments should communicate to the Organization as soon as possible the names and contact details of the Application Service Providers they have either recognized within the framework of the revised Performance standards or they have authorized to conduct conformance testing as set out in the attached Guidance, together with any conditions attached to such recognitions or authorizations and update the information as and when changes occur.
SOLAS Contracting Governments and international organizations are also invited to bring to the attention of the Committee, at the earliest opportunity, the results of the experience gained from the use of the Guidance for consideration of action to be taken.
This circular revokes MSC.1/Circ.1307. Any reference to MSC.1/Circ.1307 should be read as reference to the present circular.
This document provides guidance to SOLAS Contracting Governments in relation to the survey and certification of the compliance of ships, high-speed craft and mobile offshore drilling units entitled to fly their flag with the obligation to transmit LRIT information.
In addition, this document provides salient information which will enable companies operating ships, owners and operators of high-speed craft and owners and operators of mobile offshore drilling units which are required to comply with the obligation to transmit LRIT information to ensure the survey and certification of their compliance in a timely manner.
In relation to mobile offshore drilling units, the provisions of this document apply subject to the modifications set out in section 11.
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