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  46 posts

News about documents issued by Lloyd's Register

  Jul 15, 2024

Most important regulatory news published in the last two weeks

We remind you of the most important articles about maritime rules and regulations...

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  Jul 09, 2024

New editions of Lloyd's Register rules effective from 1 July 2024

Classification Society Lloyd's Register has released new editions of several rules, all of which entered into force on 1 July 2024....

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  Apr 12, 2024

Lloyd's Register's transition to electronic ESP survey files

Lloyd's Register published a Class News on 3 April 2024 informing that electronic ESP survey files are now available via the LR Client Portal....

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  Apr 10, 2024

Most important regulatory news published in the last 30 days

We remind you of the most important articles about maritime rules and regulations...

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  Mar 12, 2024

LR issues IMO Ship Systems and Equipment Committee (SSE) updates: March 2024 meeting highlights

Lloyd's Register has published the Summary Report for the IMO Ship Systems and Equipment Sub-Committee (SSE 10)....

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  Mar 08, 2024

LR published Class News on Administering Authorities for EU ETS in the maritime sector

LR published a Class News on 4 February 2024 regarding the publication of the list of Administering Authorities (AAs) under the EU ETS....

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  Feb 16, 2024

LR: New biofouling requirements for ships calling at Australian ports

Lloyd's Register on 15 January 2024 published a Class News regarding the New biofouling requirements for ships calling at Australian ports....

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  Dec 15, 2023

Lloyd's Register published two Class News regarding the GMDSS radiocommunications

Lloyd's Register on 14 December 2023 published two Class News regarding...

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  Dec 01, 2023

LR: New provisions on the supervision and administration of vessels under Special Follow-up

Lloyd's Register on 30 November 2023 published a Class News about...

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  Nov 30, 2023

Lloyd's Register alerts about the defective fire hose nozzles

Lloyd's Register on 30 November 2023 published a Class News about...

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  Nov 03, 2023

EU MRV and EU ETS: Key steps and recommendations

Lloyd's Register on 2 November 2023 published a Class News about...

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  Sep 29, 2023

Summary Report for the IMO Carriage of Cargoes and Containers Sub-Committee (CCC 9) published by LR

Lloyd's Register has published the Summary Report for the IMO Carriage...

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