The IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), at its 106th session (2 to 11 November 2022), and the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), at its 79th session (12 to 16 December 2022), approved the revised document on the organization and method of work of the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee and their subsidiary bodies, which reflects the decision of the Committees to introduce:
.1 a five working day period for commenting on the draft report; and
.2 a provision for documents, in general, not to be introduced in plenary.
Members are invited to apply the document with immediate effect, as appropriate, and to bring it to the attention of their representatives at relevant IMO meetings, advising them to strictly observe its provisions.
The purpose of this circular is to provide a uniform basis for the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee and their subsidiary bodies to conduct their work in an efficient and effective manner and to strengthen the linkage between the Organization's strategy, the work of the Committees, and the biennial budget, with a view to achieving IMO's mission over a biennium.
The document is applicable to the work of the Committees and their subsidiary bodies as well as to that of working, drafting and correspondence, intersessional working, and other groups set up by these bodies.
The circular details the coordination of work, the work planning and delivery process as well as the working arrangements of the Committees.
Also, there are 7 annexes listed in this document:
- Information required in submissions of proposals for inclusion of an output
- Procedures for assessing the implications of capacity-building requirements when developing new, or amending existing, mandatory instruments
- Format 1: Biennial status report
Format 2: Post-biennial agendas of committees - Current arrangements in the secretariat for the production of working papers during meetings
- Monitoring and controlling consideration of the human element by IMO bodies
- Checklist for identifying administrative requirements
- Guidelines for considering and reviewing the outcomes of FSA studies
For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):
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