The International Maritime Organization has released the provisional agenda for the eighty-second session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee.
MEPC 82 is to be held from Monday, 30 September to Friday, 4 October 2024
at IMO Headquarters, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR.
The session commences at 09:30 (UTC+1) on Monday, 30 September 2024.
Opening of the session
- Adoption of the agenda
- Decisions of other bodies
- Consideration and adoption of amendments to mandatory instruments
- Harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water
- Air pollution prevention
- Energy efficiency of ships
- Reduction of GHG emissions from ships
- Follow-up work emanating from the Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships
- Reduction of underwater radiated noise from commercial shipping
- Pollution prevention and response
- Reports of other sub-committees
- Identification and protection of Special Areas, ECAs and PSSAs
- Application of the Committees' method of work
- Work programme of the Committee and subsidiary bodies
- Election of the Chair and Vice Chair for 2025
- Any other business
- Consideration of the report of the Committee
- In accordance with the Organization and method of work of the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee and their subsidiary bodies (MSC-MEPC.1/Circ.5/Rev.5): A template is available on the IMODOCS website for use in the preparation of documents.
- Documents should be received by the Secretariat as follows:
- Documents containing proposals for unplanned outputs, by Friday, 28 June 2024 (13-week deadline);
- Documents (including information documents) containing more than six pages of text (bulky documents), by Friday, 28 June 2024 (13-week deadline);
- Non-bulky documents including information documents (six pages or fewer) and bulky information documents submitted in electronic format, by Friday, 26 July 2024 (nine-week deadline);
- Documents (four pages or fewer) commenting on those referred to in sub-paragraphs .1 to .3 above, as well as those commenting on documents previously submitted to MEPC 81 and whose consideration had been deferred to MEPC 82, by Friday, 9 August 2024 (seven-week deadline). These documents should start with a paragraph clearly indicating the document on which comments are made and stating that the document is submitted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6.12.5 of the Committees' method of work.
- For reasons of economy, documents should be submitted in single spacing, and be as concise as possible, and:
- All documents should include a brief summary prepared in accordance with the Committees' method of work;
- Substantive documents should conclude with a summary of the action that the Committee is invited to take; and
- Information documents should conclude with a summary of the information contained therein.
- The following word processing format should be observed in order to standardize the presentation of documents:
- Font: Arial;
- Font size: 11;
- Justification: full;
- Margins: 2 cm top, 2.5 cm bottom, left, and right.
- Documents should be received by the Secretariat as follows:
- To facilitate processing, documents should be submitted via the Meeting Document Submission Portal on IMODOCS (Submission Portal) (see Circular Letter No.4662). Should any problems be encountered that prevent submission of a document via the Submission Portal, submitters should contact the Secretariat at and copy without delay.
- The Committees' method of work, inter alia, requests the Secretariat to strictly apply the rules concerning the submission of documents and not to accept late submissions from Governments or delegations.
- In order to improve access to information and increase transparency, submitters of meeting documents are invited to give their consent for their documents to be released to the public prior to the meeting by checking the "opt-in box" at the top right corner of the new document template provided on IMODOCS (pre-session public release). In the absence of explicit consent, submissions will not be released to the public prior to the meeting.
Provisional agendas for MEPC 81, SDC 10, and SSE 10
The International Maritime Organization has released the provisional agendas for MEPC 81, SDC 10, and SSE 10.

IMO: preview of MEPC 81
IMO has published a preview of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 81).

Main decisions from the MEPC 81 published by RINA
RINA published a report from the 81st session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 81) that was held from 18-22 March 2024.

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):

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