The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has released a preview of the IMO Assembly, 33rd session.
The IMO Assembly will meet for its 33rd session from 27 November - 6 December 2023 and will be preceded by the IMO Council 130th session, 21-24 November 2023.
The Assembly is open to all 175 IMO Member States and three Associate Members. It will also be attended by observers from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.
The Assembly is the highest Governing Body of the Organization.
It consists of all Member States and meets once every two years in regular sessions, but may also meet in an extraordinary session, if necessary.
The Assembly is responsible for approving the work programme, the budget and determining the financial arrangements of the Organization.
The Assembly also elects the Members of the Council.
In addition, the Assembly adopts certain resolutions emanating from the five IMO Committees and endorses actions of the Council with respect to the admission of new intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations as observers.
The Assembly also adopts amendments to certain treaties, if so provided therein.
Assembly opening
The meeting will be opened by the outgoing President, H.E. Mr. Antonio Manuel R. Lagdameo, Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations.
The Assembly will be addressed by the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Mr. Kitack Lim; and a representative from the host country Government, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The 33rd Assembly will elect its officers: a President, two Vice-Presidents and Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Assembly Committees.
It is envisaged that three Committees will be established: Credentials Committee; Committee 1 (to deal with administrative, financial, legal and technical cooperation matters); and Committee 2 (to deal with technical matters).
IMO awards event
On the first day of the Assembly, 27 November, IMO will be hosting the IMO Awards Ceremony. Details can be found here.
Strategic Plan, Budget and work programme
The Assembly is expected to adopt the Strategic Plan for the six-year period 2024 to 2029 and the Organization's budget and work programme for 2024 and 2025.
Election of members of the IMO Council
A new 40-Member IMO Council for the 2024-2025 biennium will be elected. The election will take place on Friday, 1 December, by in-person secret ballot. The candidates for election are listed here.
The newly elected Council will meet on 7 December (for the Council's 131st session) and will elect its Chair and Vice-Chair.
Appointment of the Secretary-General
The Assembly will be invited to approve the appointment of Mr. Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco (Republic of Panama) as IMO Secretary-General, for an initial four-year term starting on 1 January 2024.
The Assembly will be invited to adopt an Assembly Resolution on Appreciation of the Services to the Organization of Mr. Kitack Lim
Other resolutions
The Assembly will adopt a number of resolutions on key aspects of the Organization's work.
Delegates to the IMO Assembly are invited to view a photography exhibition. Photos submitted by seafarers have been selected to mark the World Maritime Theme for 2023. View the photos online here.

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