Classification society Bureau Veritas has published the Rules for the Classification of Crew Boat.
This document was published on March 1st, 2023, and became effective on the same date.
Requirements of these Rules are applicable to crew boats as defined in [2.1.1] of less than 500 GRT, with a hull made of steel, aluminium or composite materials, and proceeding in the course of their voyage not more than four hours at operational speed from a place of refuge.
The present Rules are normally applicable to crew boats having a maximum service speed V, in knots, greater or equal to 7,16 Δ1/6, where Δ is the moulded full load displacement, in tonnes.
Craft for which V ≥ 10 L0,5 shall be individually considered by the Society.
Provisions not specially covered in these Rules are to comply with applicable requirements stipulated in:
- NR467 Steel Ships, Part A,
- NR600, and
- NR566.
Ship covered by the present Rules Note are assigned the service notation crew boat, as defined in NR467 Steel Ships, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2.
Navigation Notations
As a rule, one of the following navigation notations is to be assigned with reference to significant wave heights HS which are exceeded for an average of not more than 10 per cent of the year as defined in Sec 2, [6.1.3]:
- sea area 2
- sea area 3
- sea area 4.
The shipyard’s table of the maximum allowed ship speed relative to the sea states, characterised by their significant wave height, is indicated in a memorandum.
Rules application
The applicable Rules of the Society to be considered are indicated in Tab 1. In the present Rules, references to other Rules of the Society are defined in Tab 2.
Crew boats
Crew boats are basically vessels dedicated to transport of offshore personnel from harbours to moored offshore installations or vessels.
They may be also involved in supplying such installations with goods and stores.
They are, in general, single deck ships arranged with large superstructures forward and a broad open deck aft intended for cargo.
Operational conditions
Crew boats are to be operated in relation to the navigation notation assigned as defined above within operating conditions defined in Sec 2, [6.3].
Operational speed is 90% of maximum speed.
For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):
Rules for the Classification of Crew Boat
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