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  14 posts

Latest maritime news, rules, and regulations from the flag state of Barbados

  Jun 05, 2024

Barbados revises bulletin with guidelines for Port State Control detentions

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has revised bulletin No. 006 regarding Port State Control detentions....

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  May 13, 2024

Barbados issues a bulletin on Ballast Water Management

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued bulletin No. 032 concerning Ballast Water Management....

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  Apr 12, 2024

Approved Radio Accounting Authorities (RAAs) for Barbadian vessels

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued bulletin No. 033 v 2.0 on RAA, PSA, MMSI and Call Signs....

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  Apr 10, 2024

Barbados revises guidelines for safe manning and ship security

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has revised bulletin No. 011 regarding minimum safe manning requirements....

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  Mar 13, 2024

Barbados issues a bulletin on marine accident reporting

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued a bulletin No. 018 concerning marine accident reporting....

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  Feb 22, 2024

Bulletin with guidelines for exemption certificates and equivalences in maritime conventions issued by Barbados

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued a revised bulletin with guidelines for obtaining maritime exemptions and equivalences....

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  Feb 07, 2024

Barbados issues new bulletin on laid-up vessel requirements

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry issued a new bulletin, on 24 January 2024, regarding laid-up vessel requirements....

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  Nov 29, 2023

Barbados revised the List of Approved Providers of Insurance

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued a bulletin revising the List of...

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  Nov 22, 2023

Barbados issued a bulletin on the Inventory of Hazardous Materials

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued a bulletin on the Inventory of...

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  Oct 24, 2023

Barbados Maritime Ship Registry issued a bulletin regarding the safe manning requirements

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued a bulletin regarding the safe manning...

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  Oct 18, 2023

Barbados has issued a bulletin on the Certificates of Endorsements

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued a bulletin on the Certificates of...

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  Sep 08, 2023

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued a bulletin referring to the providers of insurance

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has issued a bulletin referring to the Barbados-approved...

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