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  Sep 27, 2024

UK updates requirements for ship's doctors

UK MCA published MSN 1841 (M) Amendment 2 to clarify requirements for ship's doctors, aboard UK ships under MLC 2006....

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  Sep 04, 2024

Singapore launches Digital Harbour Craft Manning Licence

MPA Singapore published a port marine circular announcing the launch of the Digital Harbour Craft Manning Licence starting from 1 September 2024....

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  Sep 03, 2024

Bermuda: Guidelines for electronic signatures on Seafarers’ Employment Agreements

The Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority has published BMIN 2024-038 informing that BSMA now accepts electronic signatures on SEA....

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  Aug 29, 2024

India: e-Migrate system updates for seafarer communication

DGS India Circular 25/2024 updates the e-Migrate system to enhance communication and accuracy in seafarer recruitment and placement....

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  Aug 20, 2024

Minimum requirements for seafarers on Liberian-registered ships under MLC, 2006

Liberia Maritime Authority amended notice on minimum requirements for seafarers working on ships under the MLC, 2006....

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  Aug 19, 2024

LR: Key 2022 Maritime Labour Convention amendments taking effect in December 2024

Lloyd's Register published a Class News informing that the 2022 Amendments to MLC, 2006 will enter into force on 23 December 2024....

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  Aug 14, 2024

Tokyo and Paris MoUs launch joint campaign on crew wages and seafarer agreements

The Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU announced a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Crew Wages and Seafarers' Agreements under MLC 2006....

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  Jul 12, 2024

UK issues notice on risks for seafarers on non-MLC ratified ships

UK MCA warns seafarers of differences in protections between ships flying flags of MLC-ratified states and those that have not....

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  Jul 04, 2024

IMO updates its list of competent personnel in accordance with the STCW Code

IMO updated list of competent persons maintained by the Secretary-General pursuant to section A-I/7 of the STCW Code....

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