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  Jun 28, 2024

USCG: Updated guideline for towing vessel stability compliance

USCG Marine Safety Center updated its Design Verification Guideline DVG H1-18 regarding the general arrangement plans for towing vessels....

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  Jun 27, 2024

USCG: Temporary reduction of sea service requirements for able seaman endorsements

USCG has issued policy letter No. 02-24 to address temporary reductions in sea service requirements for certain deck ratings....

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  Jun 26, 2024

USCG issues clarification on STCW endorsements for able seamen

USCG has issued a Marine Safety Information Bulletin providing clarification on the STCW endorsements necessary for able seamen....

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  May 24, 2024

Comprehensive guidance on HIPAA privacy rule compliance in CG Health Care Programs issued by USCG

USCG issued COMDTINST 6000.8 which implements the policy for compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule in CG Health Care Programs....

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  May 17, 2024

USCG: Guidance on reporting anchoring activities near submerged pipelines

USCG has published a Marine Safety Information Bulletin MSIB 05/24 on reporting anchoring activities in the vicinity of submerged pipelines....

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  May 13, 2024

USCG cautions against phishing emails that impersonate the U.S. Coast Guard

USCG has issued a Marine Safety Information Bulletin warning about phishing emails impersonating the U.S. Coast Guard....

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  May 08, 2024

USCG: Revised guidance on the Coast Guard’s roles and responsibilities for OREIs on the Outer Continental Shelf

USCG revised the Guidance on the Coast Guard’s roles and responsibilities for OREIs on the Outer Continental Shelf....

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  May 07, 2024

USCG: Temporary extension of administrative grace period for Merchant Mariner Credentialing

USCG issued CG-MMC Policy Letter 01-24 on a temporary extension of the administrative grace period for credentialing transactions....

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  May 06, 2024

USCG: Guidance on ship maneuverability devices for safe navigation

USCG issued a policy letter on guidance regarding ship devices that alter maneuvering characteristics to ensure safe operation in U.S. waters....

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  Apr 09, 2024

USCG: Revision of MARPOL Annex V/10 guidelines for Garbage Record Book

USCG issued Marine Safety Information Bulletin MSIB 03/24 concerning the updated requirements for Garbage Record Books....

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  Apr 02, 2024

USCG: Resumption of towing vessel inspection fees and fee structure updates

USCG issued MSIB 02/24 announcing the resumption of billing for inspection user fees, including new fee amounts, for TSMS Option vessels....

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  Mar 21, 2024

Guidelines for implementing the USCG Port State Control targeting program

The United States Coast Guard issued a revision of the MMS WI 021(2) regarding the targeting of foreign vessels for PSC examination....

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