Transport Canada has issued a ship safety bulletin No. 10/2024 regarding speed restriction measures in the Gulf of St. Lawrence to protect the North Atlantic right whale.
This Ship Safety Bulletin was published on 9 April 2024.
The speed restriction zones include static zones, dynamic shipping zones, seasonal management areas, a voluntary seasonal slowdown zone, and a restricted area.
Vessels above 13 meters in length overall (LOA) must not exceed a speed of 10.0 knots over the ground in the static zones. Air cushion vessels engaged in ice-clearing activities in Chaleur Bay are exempted from the speed restriction in the static zones.
Vessels engaged in commercial fishing activities may proceed at a safe operational speed in waters not more than 36.57 meters deep within the static zones.
The dynamic shipping zones have specific coordinates, and vessels must not exceed a speed of 10.0 knots over the ground when a North Atlantic right whale is detected in the zone or its buffer zones.
Seasonal management areas also have specific coordinates, and vessels must restrict their speed to 10.0 knots over the ground from April 17th to June 25th, 2024, unless a North Atlantic right whale is detected.
The restricted area in Shediac Valley will be implemented once 80% of the area is closed to fishing and vessels must avoid the area or transit at a speed not exceeding 8.0 knots over the ground.
A voluntary seasonal slowdown of 10.0 knots over the ground is requested in Cabot Strait from April 17th to June 25th, 2024, and from September 25th to November 15th, 2024.
The Roseway Basin is an area to be avoided to protect North Atlantic right whales, and vessels are recommended to decrease their speed to no more than 10 knots when passing through the area.
Compliance with the speed restrictions is mandatory, and vessels not complying may face penalties. Mariners are encouraged to report North Atlantic right whale sightings and incidents to the appropriate authorities.

For more information, please see the document below (available only to subscribers):
Protecting the North Atlantic right whale: Speed restriction measures in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

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