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  Jul 23, 2024

Liberia: Increased measures following missile incident in Bab El Mandeb Strait

Liberia Maritime Authority has issued Marine Security Bulletin 18/2024 regarding a missile attack in the Bab El Mandeb Strait....

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  Jun 26, 2024

Canada announces the 2024 concentrated inspection campaign for fishing vessels

Transport Canada has issued Ship Safety Bulletin No. 16/2024, announcing the 2024 concentrated inspection campaign focusing on fishing vessels....

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  Jun 18, 2024

Canada's safety bulletin: Risks of partially beaching barges

Transport Canada has issued ship safety bulletin No. 13/2024 addressing the risky practice of partially beaching barges....

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  Jun 18, 2024

Urgent security measures for Liberian-flagged vessels following missile attack in Red Sea

Liberia Maritime Authority has issued Marine Security Bulletin 16/2024 regarding the missile attack in the Red Sea....

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  Jun 05, 2024

Barbados revises bulletin with guidelines for Port State Control detentions

The Barbados Maritime Ship Registry has revised bulletin No. 006 regarding Port State Control detentions....

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  May 17, 2024

Canada publishes a bulletin on new safe manning webpage and revised application forms

Transport Canada has issued SSB No. 11/2024 on new safe manning webpage and revised application forms to obtain a safe manning document....

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  Apr 19, 2024

Canada's speed restriction measures for protecting North Atlantic right whales

Transport Canada has issued a ship safety bulletin on speed restrictions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence to protect the North Atlantic right whale....

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  Mar 06, 2024

Canadian recognition of STCW certificates for Irish seafarers

Transport Canada has issued a ship safety bulletin No. 07/2024 that Irish seafarers can now seek Canadian recognition of their STCW certificates....

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  Mar 05, 2024

IMO issues comprehensive survey guidelines under HSSC

IMO published Assembly Resolution A.1186(33) adopting survey guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC), 2023....

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  Jan 19, 2024

New Classification Notes for water level detectors on ships issued by IRClass

IRClass has published new Classification Notes on type approval, installation, and testing of water level detectors on ships....

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  Jan 09, 2024

Subdivision and Damage Stability Regulations: Navigating New Maritime Safety Standards

Uncover the essential updates in MGN 692 (M) to the SOLAS Chapter II-1 regulations, marking a pivotal shift in maritime safety standards effective January 2024....

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