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  Jul 08, 2024

Australia announces the launch of AusTreat

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (DAFF) issued a notice announcing the launch of AusTreat....

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  Jul 05, 2024

Australia issues updates to biosecurity and imported food regulatory fees

DAFF issued a notice regarding the 2024-25 prices for biosecurity and imported food regulatory activities....

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  Jun 12, 2024

IMO issues 2023 Guidelines on implementation of the ISM Code by Administrations

IMO has issued resolution A.1188(33) with 2023 Guidelines on the implementation of the ISM Code by Administrations....

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  May 23, 2024

IACS releases revised and new Unified Interpretations on ventilation and SOLAS regulations

IACS published two UIs: one for the ventilation of cargo spaces and one for the separation of ducts from spaces according to SOLAS regulations....

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