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  11 posts

Latest maritime news, rules, and regulations from the flag state of Bermuda

  Jun 11, 2024

Notice on MARPOL Annex VI and BWM Convention ratification for Bermuda registered ships

The Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority has published BMIN 2024-01 regarding the MARPOL Annex VI & BWM Convention ratification....

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  May 29, 2024

Guidance on acceptable courses for Bermuda offshore units: alternatives to STCW training

BSMA has published an MS Notice addressing offshore units, providing guidance on alternative courses and qualifications in place of STCW courses....

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  May 14, 2024

Acceptance of Ballast Water Management System Type Approval Certificates for Bermuda Registered Ships

BSMA has published a guidance notice regarding the acceptance of Type Approval Certificates for Ballast Water Management Systems....

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  Nov 09, 2023

Bermuda: instruction on arrangements 'To the Satisfaction of the Administration'

The Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority has published the merchant shipping notice regarding...

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  May 02, 2023

The Merchant Shipping (Fees) Regulations 2023 published by the Bermuda Ministry of Transport

The Bermuda Ministry of Transport has published the Merchant Shipping (Fees) Regulations 2023....

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  Apr 12, 2023

From April 1st, 2023, Bermuda applies new port dues, marine service dues, and pilotage dues

The Bermuda Ministry of Transport has published three documents regarding port dues, seaborne...

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  Apr 06, 2023

Bermuda issues notice about the document retention policy

The Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority has published a guidance notice about the...

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  Apr 04, 2023

Bermuda: Maintenance and inspection of fixed CO2 fire extinguishing systems

The Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority has published a merchant shipping notice for...

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  Mar 07, 2023

Bermuda issues notice for Amendment 41-22 to IMDG Code

The Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority has published the merchant shipping guidance notice...

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  Dec 22, 2022

Bermuda amends Declaration of Speed Limits for Boats

The Bermuda Ministry of Transport [https://www.gov.bm/ministry/transport] has issued...

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  Dec 20, 2022

Bermuda publishes notice on officer certification and issuance of endorsements

The Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority [https://www.gov.bm/department/bermuda-shipping-and-maritime-authority#] has...

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